Important Moments in History

American History (1865 to Present)

Native Americans.
  1. What was the Reservation policy?
The Civil War. 
  1. Causes of the Civil War. 
  2. Consequences of the Civil War. 
  1. What were the different Reconstruction plans?
  2. What social and political problems did the South face during Reconstruction?
  3. History of the Freedmen's Bureau. 
  4. Were the impeachment charges against President Johnson valid?
  5. Was Reconstruction a success or failure?
  6. History of Lincoln's 10 Percent Plan. 
  7. History of the Wade-Davis Bill. 
  8. History of Andrew Johnson's Reconstruction Plan. 
  9. History of the 14th Amendment. 
  10. History of the Election of 1866. 
  11. Congressional Reconstruction. 
  12. History of the Impeachment of Johnson. 
  13. Blacks and Freedom. 
  14. The Grant Administration. 
  15. White Supremacy.
  16. History of the Disputed Election of 1876. 
The New South. 
  1. Sharecropping. 
  2. Segregation. 
  3. The Church. 
  4. Jim Crow Laws. 
  5. History of Plessy v. Ferguson
  6. History of Black lynchings. 

Western Expansion. 
  1. The Western Environment. 
  2. Policy of Concentration. 
  3. History of the Sand Creek Massacre. 
  4. History of the Battle of Little Big Horn. 
  5. History of the Dawes Severalty Act (1887). 
  6. History of the California Gold Rush. 
  7. History of the Transcontinental Railroad. 
  8. The growing cattle industry. 
  9. History of the Homestead Act (1862). 
  10. History of the Alien Land Law (1887). 
  11. Buffalo Bill Cody's Wild West Show. 

    Late 19th Century.
    1.  How should the disputed election of 1876 have been resolved?
    2. What problems did American cities face in the late 1800s?
    3. The urban explosion. 
    4. The great global migration. 
    5. The city.
    6. Urban middle-class life. 
      1. The Comstock Law (1873). 
    7. Victorianism. 
      1. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union. 
    8. Public Education. 
      1. Normal schools. 
      2. Higher education.
    9. A culture of consumption. 
    10. Leisure. 
      1. Traveling circuses. 
      2. Baseball. 
    11. History of the McKinley Tariff (1890). 
    12. History of the Bland-Allison Act (1878). 
    13. History of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act (1890). 
    14. History of the Election of 1884. 
    15. History of the Interstate Commerce Act (1887).
    16. History of the election of 1892.
    17. Disfranchisement. 
      1. History of Williams v. Mississippi (1898). 
      2. History of Ida B. Wells
      3. History of Booker T. Washington. 
      4. History of the "Atlanta Compromise." 
    18. History of the Depression of 1893.
      1. History of Coxey's Army. 
    19. History of the Dingley Tariff (1897). 
    20. The Erdman Act (1898). 

    The Industrial Revolution.
    1. New technologies and inventions. 
    2. The Corporation. 
    3. Increased immigration. 
    4. Railroads. 
    5. John D. Rockefeller. 
    6. Andrew Carnegie. 
    7. J.P. Morgan. 
    8. History of Social Darwinism. 
    9. History of the Socialist Labor Party. 
    10. History of the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890). 
    11. History of U.S. v. E.C. Knight Co. 
    12. The negative consequences. 
    13. History of "Taylorism." 
      1. Navalism. 
      2. Charles Darwin. 
      3. William Henry Seward. 
        1. Alaska. 
        2. Midway Island. 
      4. History of the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850). 
      5. The Venezuelan boundary dispute. 
      6. Hawaii. 
      7. The Cuban Revolt. 
        1. Racial tensions at home. 
        2. The "Rough Riders."
      8. The Spanish-American War. 
        1. History of the de Lome Letter. 
        2. History of the Sinking of the Maine. 
        3. History of the Tellar Amendment. 
        4. The Philippines.
          1. History of "The White Man's Burden."
          2. History of Emilio Aguinaldo and the Filipino insurrection. 
        5. Puerto Rico. 
      9. History of the Open-Door Notes. 
      10. History of the Boxer Rebellion.

            Expansion to the Suburbs. 
            1. What caused so many Americans to move to the cities in the late 1800s?
            The Growth of Unions. 
            1. Discuss the labor unions of the late 1800s. 
            2. The National Labor Union. 
            3. The Knights of Labor. 
            4. The American Federation of Labor.
            Strikes and Protests. 
            1. The "Great Railroad Strike" of 1877. 
            2. The Laundresses Strike. 
            3. History of the Haymarket Square Riot. 
            4. History of the Pullman Strike.
              Government Corruption. 
              1. What was the spoils system?
              2. History of William Tweed. 
              3. History of the Pendleton Act (1883). 
              1. History of Munn v. Illinois (1877).
              2. The Southern Alliance. 
              3. History of the "Ocala Demands." 
              4. History of the People's Party. 
              5. History of William Jennings Bryan. 
              1. History of Pragmatism
              2. History of John Dewey. 
              3. History of Behaviorism
              4. History of Sociological jurisprudence. 
              5. History of Muller v. Oregon (1908). 
              6. History of the Muckrakers. 
              7. Volunteerism. 
              8. Social work. 
              9. Birth control. 
              10. History of the Keating-Owen Act (1916). 
              11. Americanization. 
              12. History of the Wisconsin Idea. 
              13. Voting Reforms 
                1. Initiative.
                2. Referendum.
                3. Recall.
              Women Suffrage.
              1. History of Alice Paul. 
              2. History of Susan B. Anthony.
              3. History of the 19th Amendment (1920)

                Theodore Roosevelt. 
                1. What was the Square Deal?
                2. History of the Brownsville Incident
                3. The Square Deal. 
                4. History of the Anthracite Coal Strike
                5. Department of Commerce. 
                6. Northern Securities. 
                7. History of the Elkins Act (1903). 
                8. History of the Hepburn Railway Act (1906). 
                9. History of Upton Sinclair. 
                  1. History of the Pure Food and Drug Act (1906). 
                  2. History of the Meat Inspection Act. 
                10. Conservation and Preservation. 
                  1. John Muir. 
                  2. The Sierra Club. 
                11. History of "New Nationalism."  
                12. History of the Panama Canal. 
                13. Progressive Diplomacy. 
                14. History of Roosevelt's "Big Stick" policy. 
                15. History of the Platt Amendment. 
                16. History of the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine. 
                17. History of the Treaty of Portsmouth. 
                18. History of the "Gentlemen's Agreement." 
                19. History of the Great White Fleet. 

                1. History of Taft's "Dollar Diplomacy." 

                  Woodrow Wilson. 
                  1. History of the Underwood-Simmons Tariff (1913). 
                  2. History of the Federal Reserve Act (1913). 
                  3. History of the Federal Trade Commission Act (1914). 
                  4. History of the Clayton Antitrust Act (1914). 
                  5. History of the "Twenty-one Demands." 
                  6. History of "Moral diplomacy." 
                  7. Intervention in Mexico. 
                    1. History of Victoriano Huerta. 
                    2. History of Venustiano Carranza. 
                    3. USS Dolphin. 
                    4. History of Francisco "Pancho" Villa. 

                    Early 20th Century America.
                    1. Differences between Taft and Roosevelt
                    2. Compare Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
                    3. Prostitution. 
                    4. History of the Influenza Pandemic of 1918-1919.  
                    5. History of Charles Lindbergh. 
                    6. History of Darwinism. 
                    7. History of the Fundamentalists. 
                    8. History of the Scopes Trial. 

                    Black Americans.
                    1. "For whites only." 
                    2. History of W.E.B. Du Bois. 
                    3. NAACP. 
                    4. History of Jack Johnson. 
                    5. History of Marcus Garvey. 
                    6. History of the Harlem Renaissance.
                    7. History of the KKK.
                      1. What was the National Origins Act of 1924?
                      2. History of the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882).  
                      3. Eugenics. 
                      4. Literacy tests. 
                      5. National Origins Act of 1921. 
                      1. Reasons for the Prohibition. 
                      2. History of the Prohibition Movement.
                      3. The Anti-Saloon League. 
                      4. History of the 18th Amendment. 
                      5. History of Al Capone. 

                          The Red Scare. 
                          1. What were the Palmer Raids? 
                          2. Was the Espionage Act reasonable? 
                          3. History of the Palmer Raids and the Red Scare.  
                          4. Senator McKellar: "send citizens with radical beliefs to a penal colony on Guam." 
                          5. Bombings. 
                          6. The Communist Party.
                            World War I. 
                            1. What prompted American entry in WWI? 
                            2. History of the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 
                            3. History of the British naval blockade. 
                            4. History of the Lusitania. 
                            5. History of the Zimmerman Telegram. 
                            6. Wilson's War Message to Congress (1917).  
                            7. The U-Boat. 
                            8. History of U.S. "Preparedness." 
                            9. History of the Election of 1916. 
                            10. The German zeppelins. 
                            11. Trench warfare. 
                            12. History of the Selective Service Act (1917). 
                            13. History of the Houston Riot. 
                            14. IQ tests. 
                            15. War costs. 
                            16. Managed Economy. 
                              1. History of the War Industries Board. 
                              2. The Food Administration. 
                              3. Fuel Administration. 
                              4. The U.S. Railroad Administration. 
                              5. The National War Labor Board. 
                              6. Women in the workforce.
                            17.  Propaganda. 
                              1. History of the Committee on Public Information. 
                              2. History of "100 percent Americanism." 
                              3. History of the Espionage and Sedition Acts (1917 & 1918). 
                              4. History of Schenck v. United States (1919). 
                            18. History of Wilson's Fourteen Points. 
                            19. History of the Treaty of Versailles. 
                            20. History of the League of Nations.
                            The Roaring Economy. 
                            1. The automobile. 
                            2. History of Welfare capitalism. 
                            3. History of Consumption
                            4. History of the "New Woman" 
                            5. History of Motion pictures. 
                            6. Spectator sports. 
                            7. History of Harding's "Normalcy." 
                            8. History of Calvin Coolidge. 

                            Herbert Hoover. 
                            1. History of Associationalism. 
                            2. History of the Great Flood of 1927.
                            3. History of the Dawes Plan. 
                            4. History of the Kellog-Briand Pact. 
                            5. The Bull Market. 
                            6. History of the Hoover Dam.
                            The Great Depression. 
                            1. Causes of the Great Depression.
                            2. The Great Crash. 
                            3. Global economic problems. 
                            4. History of Life during the Depression. 
                            5. History of the Growth of the Radio. 
                            6. History of the Dust Bowl. 
                            7. History of Deportations of Mexican Americans. 
                            8. History of Cesar Chavez. 
                            9. History of Elijah Muhammad. 
                            10. History of the Scottsboro Boys. 
                            11. History of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930). 
                            12. History of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. 
                            13. History of the Emergency Relief and Construction Act (1932). 
                            14. History of the Bonus Army. 
                            15. History of the Election of 1932.
                            The New Deal. 
                            1. What was the New Deal?
                            2. "Action, and action now." 
                            3. Eleanor Roosevelt. 
                            4. History of the Emergency Banking Act. 
                            5. Economy Act (1933). 
                            6. History of the Glass-Steagall Banking Act. 
                            7. History of the Securities Exchange Act (1934). 
                            8. History of the Home Owners' Loan Act (1934). 
                            9. History of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (1933). 
                            10. The Civil Works Administration. 
                            11. The Civilian Conservation Corps. 
                            12. History of the Tennessee Valley Authority (1933). 
                            13. History of the National Industrial Recovery Act (1933). 
                            14. The Public Works Administration. 
                            15. The National Recovery Admnistration. 
                            16. History of Schecter v. United States (1935). 
                            17. History of the Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933). 
                            18. The Farm Credit Administration. 
                            19. The Farm Security Administration (1937). 
                            20. History of the American Liberty League. 
                            21. History of Huey Long. 
                            22. History of Charles Coughlin. 
                            23. Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (1935). 
                            24. History of the National Youth Administration. 
                            25. Works Progress Administration. 
                            26. History of the Social Security Act (1935). 
                            27. The National Labor Relations Act (1935). 
                            28. The Revenue Act (1935). 
                            29. History of the Banking Act (1935). 
                            30. History of the Election of 1936. 
                            31. History of the Rural Electrification Administration (1935). 
                            32. History of the Indian Reorganization Act (1934). 
                            33. The Committee for Industrial Organization. 
                            34. History of the Federal Writers Project. 
                            35. History of the Federal Music Project. 
                            36. The Federal Theater Project. 
                            37. Court Packing. 
                            38. John Maynard Keynes. 
                                World War II (overseas). 
                                1. Could the U.S. have prevented the bombing at Pearl Harbor?
                                2. History of the Lend Lease Program.
                                3. The Rise of Fascism. 
                                4. History of the Stimson Doctrine. 
                                5. History of the Good Neighbor Policy. 
                                6. Nye's Committee. 
                                7. Isolationists vs. Internationalists. 
                                8. History of the Neutrality Act (1935). 
                                9. The Spanish Civil War.
                                10. Aggression in China. 
                                11. History of Roosevelt's Quarantine speech. 
                                12. Appeasement. 
                                13. Hitler's Invasion. 
                                14. Lend-Lease Aid. 
                                15. The Atlantic Charter. 
                                16. Sinking of the Reuben James. 
                                17. Japanese Expansion. 
                                18. Pearl Harbor bombing. 
                                19. The Women's Auxiliary Corps. 
                                20. Science and Technology.
                                21. Normandy. 
                                22. The Yalta Conference.
                                23. The Holocaust. 
                                24. "The Acquiescence of this Government in the Murder of the Jews." 
                                25. Bretton Woods. 
                                26. Hiroshima. 
                                27. Nagasaki. 

                                  World War II (at home).
                                  1. The War Production Board. 
                                  2. The Manhattan Project. 
                                  3. The Revenue Act (1942)
                                  4. The War Labor Board. 
                                  5. The Smith-Connolly Act (1943).
                                  6. Italian Americans. 
                                  7. Japanese Concentration Camps. 
                                  8. Korematsu v. United States (1944)
                                  9. A. Philip Randolph. 
                                  10. The Fair Employment Practices Commission. 
                                  11. Detroit Race Riot. 
                                  12. Zoot Suit Riots. 

                                  Postwar Prosperity.
                                  1. Growing economy. 
                                  2. American G.I. Forum. 
                                  3. "To Secure these Rights"
                                  4. The Taft-Hartley Act. 
                                  5. The GI Bill (1944). 
                                  6. "The Fair Deal." 
                                  7. The National Security Council. 
                                  8. NSC-68. 
                                  The Korean War.

                                  Mid-20th Century.
                                  1. Nixon's Checkers Speech. 
                                  2. The Kinsey Report.
                                  3. "Modern Republicanism." 
                                  4. George Wallace.
                                    The Cold War. 
                                    1.  The October Revolution of 1917. 
                                    2. Time Magazine's Movement to "Get tough"
                                    3. The "Iron Curtain." 
                                    4. Containment policy. 
                                    5. The Truman Doctrine. 
                                    6. The Marshall Plan. 
                                    7. The Berlin Airlift. 
                                    8. NATO. 
                                    9. Creation of Israel. 
                                    10. The Baruch Plan. 
                                    11. Nuclear Deterrence. 
                                    12. The H-bomb. 
                                    13. Alger Hiss. 
                                    14. The Federal Employee Loyalty Program. 
                                    15. The Loyalty Review Board. 
                                    16. The House Committee on Un-American Activities. 
                                    17. The "Hollywood Ten." 
                                    18. Blacklisting. 
                                    19. The McCarran Act (1950). 
                                    20. Senator Joe McCarthy. 
                                    21. The Rosenbergs Executed. 
                                    22. John Foster Dulles. 
                                    23. Castro's Revolution in Cuba. 
                                    24. Sputnik.
                                    25. The U-2 incident. 
                                    26. Bay of Pigs. 
                                    27. The Berlin Wall. 
                                    28. The Cuban Missile Crisis. 

                                     The Rise of Suburbs. 
                                    1. History of the Interstate Highway System.
                                    2. Baby boom. 
                                    3. Levittown 

                                      1. The Eisenhower Doctrine. 
                                      2. CIA overthrowing Mossadeq. 
                                      3. Intervention in Guatemala.
                                      4. The National Defense Education Act (1958). 
                                      5. The Peace Corps. 
                                      6. The "Alliance for Progress." 
                                      7. Space program. 
                                      8. The Domino Theory. 

                                       The Civil Rights Movement. 
                                      1. Brown v. Board of Education (1954). 
                                      2. "Southern Manifesto." 
                                      3. Hernandez v. Texas. 
                                      4. Rosa Parks. 
                                      5. Martin Luther King Jr. 
                                      6. Little Rock crisis. 
                                      7. The "Freedom Riders." 
                                      8. The Civil Rights Act (1964). 
                                      9. The Voting Rights Act (1965). 
                                      10. Malcolm X. 
                                      11. "Black Power." 
                                      12. The Watts Riot. 

                                       The Great Society. 
                                      1. "War on Poverty." 
                                      2. The Economic Opportunity Act. 
                                      3. The Office of Economic Opportunity. 
                                      4. The Elementary and Secondary School Act. 
                                      5. The Medicare Act. 
                                      6. Medicaid. 
                                      7. Immigration Act (1965). 
                                      8. The National Wilderness Preservation System Act (1964). 
                                      9. The Fair Housing Act. 
                                      10. The Truth-in-Lending Act. 
                                      The Warren Court
                                      1. Gideon v. Wainwright (1963). 
                                      2. Miranda v. Arizona (1966). 
                                      3. Engel v. Vitale (1962). 
                                      4. Griswold v. Connecticut (1964). 
                                      5. Baker v. Carr (1962). 
                                      The Counterculture.
                                      1. Students for a Democratic Society. 
                                      2. The Free Speech Movement. 
                                      3. Young Americans for Freedom. 
                                      4. Communes. 
                                      5. Bob Dylan. 
                                      6. Kent State riot. 

                                         The Vietnam War. 
                                        1. The Tonkin Gulf Resolution. 
                                        2. Escalation.
                                        3. The Armed Forces Qualification Test. 
                                        4. The Draft. 
                                        5. "Teach-ins." 
                                        6. Hawks and Doves. 
                                        7. The Tet Offensive. 
                                        8. "Stalemate." 
                                        9. My Lai Massacre. 
                                        10. Lyndon Johnson withdraws. 
                                        11. "Veitnamization." 
                                        12. Cambodia invasion.
                                        13. The Nixon Doctrine. 

                                         New Identity Politics. 
                                        1.  Pluralism. 
                                        2. Affirmative Action. 
                                        3. Cesar Chavez. 
                                        4. The La Raza Unida. 
                                        5. Policy of "termination." 
                                        6. The Stonewall Incident. 
                                        7. Feminism. 
                                        8. National Organization for Women. 
                                        9. The Equal Rights Amendment. 
                                        10. Roe. v. Wade (1973). 
                                        11. The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act (1966). 
                                        12. The Environmental Protection Agency. 
                                        13. The Occupational Safety and Health Agency. 
                                        14. The Clean Water and Air Act. 

                                         The Conservative Revolution. 
                                        1. The New Federalism. 
                                        2. Nixon's "Southern Strategy." 
                                        3. The "Philadelphia Plan."
                                        4. Stagflation. 
                                        5. The Pentagon Papers. 
                                        6. Watergate. 
                                        7. The War Powers Act (1973).
                                        8. The United Organization of Taxpayers. 
                                        9. Proposition 13. 
                                        10. The Economic Recovery Tax Act. 
                                        11. The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (1982). 
                                        12. Iran-Contra Scandal. 

                                        Late 20th Century
                                        1. OPEC boycott. 
                                        2. "I will not lie to you." 
                                        3. National Energy Program. 
                                        4. Three Mile Island incident. 
                                        5. Camp David Accords. 
                                        6. Iran-Contra Hostage Crisis. 
                                        7. Operation Desert Storm. 
                                        8. Earth Summit. 
                                        9. Clarence Thomas Hearings. 
                                        10. "Read my lips, no new taxes." 
                                        11. Bush v. Gore (2000). 
                                        12. The internet. 
                                        13. Rodney King Riot. 
                                        14. Gratz v. Bollinger (2003). 
                                        15. Proposition 187. 
                                        16. No Child Left Behind. 
                                        17. The Economic Growth and Tax Reform Reconciliation Act (2001). 
                                        18. The Job Creation and Workers Assistance Act (2002). 
                                        19. Kyoto Protocol. 

                                           End of the Cold War. 
                                          1. Mikhail Gorbachev. 

                                           Bill Clinton.
                                          1. "It's the economy, stupid." 
                                          2. Don't Ask, Don't Tell
                                          3. Whitewater. 
                                          4. Bosnia Conflict. 
                                          5. Kosovo intervention. 
                                          6. NAFTA. 
                                          7. Health Care Reform. 
                                          8. The "Contract with America." 
                                          9. Monica Lewinsky scandal.
                                          1.  9/11.
                                          2.  USA Patriot Act. 
                                          3. Doctrine of Preemption. 
                                          4. Abu Ghraib Prison. 
                                          5. Hurricane Katrina.