Important Moments in History

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Florida Senate panel OKs tuition increase bill

"Florida's 11 public universities would have the power to raise tuition rates, now among the nation's lowest, up to 15 percent a year until they reach the national average under a bill that cleared its first legislative hurdle Wednesday."

"The Senate Higher Education Committee unanimously approved the bill, also backed by Gov. Charlie Crist, business leaders and university officials, even though a new public opinion poll shows overwhelming opposition to the measure."

"In-state undergraduate base tuition, as set by the Legislature, now is $2,461 for a full 30-credit year. If the bill becomes law it could more than double by 2013 to between $6,323 and $6,743 depending on the school, according to a Senate staff report."

"A poll of 1,001 Floridians by Connecticut's Qunnipiac University released Wednesday showed that 78 percent opposed the tuition bill, while 19 percent supported it. The poll taken Feb. 11-16 has a margin of error of 3.1 percentage points."

1 comment:

  1. I think this is good, as it should improve higher education.

    Wasn't there also special considerations or increases for aid to needy students as well?
