Important Moments in History

Monday, March 16, 2009

Proposed Florida seat belt law could lock in funds, cut costs

"At issue is whether Florida will join 25 other states and the District of Columbia in approving a "primary" seat belt law and claiming federal dollars that would come with the change."

"Law enforcement officers in Florida now have to pull over an adult driver for some other offense, such as speeding, before writing a ticket for not wearing a seat belt."

"Under a primary enforcement law, an officer could pull over a driver just because he or she isn't wearing a seat belt."

"The main motive for pushing the measure, supporters say, is its ability to protect Floridians. Backers of primary enforcement say it could save 124 lives a year and prevent 1,700 serious injuries."

"But some black lawmakers have either co-sponsored the bill or voted for it in committee, citing recent research that shows racial profiling concerns might be misplaced or noting that law enforcement officers have to note the ethnicity of the driver on any ticket issued for not wearing a seat belt. Studies also have shown that young black men are less likely to wear seat belts than other people, but more likely to do so in states with primary enforcement laws."

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