Important Moments in History

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Report Concludes Uninsured Are Costly for All

"Health insurance premiums for an average family are $1,000 a year higher because of costs of health care for the uninsured, a new report finds."

"And private coverage for the average individual costs an extra $370 a year because of the cost-shifting, which happens when someone without medical insurance gets care at an emergency room or elsewhere and then doesn't pay."

"The report found that, in 2008, uninsured people received $116 billion in health care from hospitals, doctors and other providers. The uninsured paid 37 percent of that amount out of their own pockets, and government programs and charities covered another 26 percent."

"That left about $43 billion unpaid, and that sum made its way into premiums charged by private insurance companies to businesses and individuals, the report said."

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