Important Moments in History

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Crist inks Fla. drug tracking, double-dipping laws

"Florida will set up an electronic tracking system for prescriptions by the end of 2010 in a bid to crack down on "doctor shopping" by addicts and drug dealers under a bill signed into law Thursday by Gov. Charlie Crist."

"Crist also signed a new law making it more difficult for elected officials and high-ranking public employees to "double dip" by collecting a salary and a pension at the same time. Another measure he signed would give law enforcement officers suspected of wrongdoing the opportunity to review evidence and witness statements before they are questioned."

"Pharmacies will be required to tell the state within 15 days who received a drug and what was prescribed. Pain clinics also will be required to register with the state and submit to annual inspections."

"The double-dipping measure (SB 479) will require officials to stay in retirement for six months, instead of only one under existing law, before going back to work in the same or another sate or local government job."

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