Important Moments in History

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Survey: Venture capitalists shift strategy, go global

"More than half of the venture capitalists surveyed in the 2009 Global Venture Capital Survey conducted by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu and the National Venture Capital Association said they would invest in fewer companies in the near future, while 13 percent of the more than 700 worldwide respondents said they would increase the number of companies in which they plan to invest."

"And venture capitalists agree that investments are more likely to increase in countries outside of the U.S. than domestically in the next three years. Half of the venture capitalists surveyed said investment will increase in Asia (excluding India); 43 percent named India; 36 percent selected South America; 25 percent said Europe and the United Kingdom; and just 17 percent said investment would increase in North America."

"Fifty-two percent of all venture capitalists surveyed said they already invest outside their home countries."

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