Important Moments in History

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Councilwoman Says $11-Million Wasted On Bureaucracy

"Jacksonville City Councilman Glorious Johnson says people are calling her home, and calling her cell phone, saying they can't keep up with city taxes and fees anymore."

"Now, Johnson wants to completely dismantle the Jacksonville Economic Development Commission. Saying taxpayers spend about $11 million a year on the J.E.D.C., Johnson claims their function could be better handled by other agencies."

"I would like to utilize services of the (Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce) and the Planning Department, when it comes to bringing businesses and jobs to the community," said Johnson."

"Johnson said she has wanted to go after the J.E.D.C since 2003. But this budget year is special, and Johnson said eliminating the Commission would go a long way towards preserving essential services like police and fire. "We don't need another bureaucracy," said Johnson."

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