Important Moments in History

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Board Approves New Method for Grading High Schools

"In its never-ending quest to improve student performance, the State Board of Education has approved a new method for grading high schools."

"Coming up with a plan they describe as one of the most comprehensive in the country, the Board has added criteria to a school's grade that reduce the impact of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT)."

"The changes were begun by the passage of a bill through the Senate in the 2008 session, and mean schools will now be graded on graduation rate, participation and performance on advanced coursework (AP, IB, Dual Enrollment, etc.), and the preparedness of students to go to college or the workforce, as measured by the SAT, ACT or College Placement Test."

"The breakdown for a high school grade will now be 50% FCAT, 50% the above criteria."

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