Important Moments in History

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Florida the fifth most biz-friendly state

"Florida has the fifth most business-friendly tax system in the union, according to the Tax Foundation’s 2010 State Business Tax Climate Index released Tuesday."

T"he Index measures the competitiveness of the 50 states’ tax systems and ranks them based on the taxes that matter most to businesses and business investment: corporate income, individual income, sales, property and unemployment insurance taxes."

"The states are scored on these taxes, and the scores are weighted based on the relative importance or impact of the tax to a business. The Index measures how well a state’s tax system encourages investment by maintaining a broad tax base and low rates."

"The top 10 most business friendly states were South Dakota, Wyoming, Alaska, Nevada, Florida, Montana, New Hampshire, Delaware, Washington, and Utah. The 10 least friendly are New Jersey, New York, California, Ohio, Iowa, Maryland, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Vermont."

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