Important Moments in History

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Jacksonville City Council passes rare tax hike

"With only minor dissent, the Jacksonville City Council on Tuesday night approved a billion-dollar 2009-10 budget balanced with the help of a rare property tax rate hike. The 9 percent rate increase, to 9.27 mills, boosts the average homeowner’s tax bill about $75 a year."

"City Council members Daniel Davis and John Crescimbeni opposed the tax increase, while Davis went further, casting the lone dissenting vote against the compromise budget."

"In the end, after several private meetings between Mayor John Peyton and Clark, a compromise agreement was reached that restored everything but the 3 percent cuts. A $10 million contingency fund was set aside in case union negotiations fall short of the desired salary rollbacks."

"To avoid some of the pitfalls experienced this year, Clark wants to begin working on the 2010-11 budget as soon as possible."

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