Important Moments in History

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Panel urges city to make several changes in governance

After eight months of analysis, the Jacksonville Charter Revision Commission approved its final list of recommendations Thursday. The commission's work will be formally presented to the City Council on March 9. Then council members will begin their own study of these recommendations.

Ethics code

Creates an ethics code in the city charter that applies to all officials and employees under the consolidated government, including independent agencies, constitutional officers and the school system. Would also give the Ethics Commission jurisdiction over these entities.

Charter Revision Commission

Gives the commission a full year to complete its once-a-decade review of the city charter. The current group's term was set at eight months, but it says it could have used more time to research the issues.

Mayor-appointed School Board

Allows the mayor to appoint School Board members, who are then confirmed by the City Council. Those members would not be paid. Board members are now elected by voters and are paid $37,300 annually.

Hybrid School Board

Keeps elected board members, but allows the mayor to appoint a majority of board members. All board members, both elected and appointed, would not be paid.

At-large School Board districts

School Board candidates would run countywide for at-large seats, though there would be residency restrictions on who can run for each seat. Under the current system, each board member represents a district and only voters living in the district can vote for those candidates.

City-controlled charter schools

Urges the city to establish new charter schools or a charter school district, where the city would operate several schools outside of much of the oversight and regulations imposed on other public schools.

Empowering principals

That the City Council and School Board work to change state law to create policies that give school principals greater autonomy to select staff and improve instruction.

Strategic plan

Requires Jacksonville's mayor to create a strategic plan outlining goals and fiscal priorities within six months of assuming office. The mayor would have to establish a four-year plan that includes a vision statement, mission statement, financial plan, goals and measurements for annual performance reviews.

Pension reform

That the City Council amend city law to require a financial impact statement any time pension or retirement benefits are tweaked. That information, created by the Council Auditor's Office, would have to be shared with the Mayor's Office, council members and representatives of the affected employees.

Veto override

Makes it harder for the City Council to override a mayoral veto of financial issues by requiring a two-thirds supermajority, or 13 of 19 council members. Currently, the council only needs a simple majority, 10 of 19, to override vetoes of budget or appropriation matters, although a two-thirds majority is required for other veto overrides.

City elections

Move city elections to coincide with the fall gubernatorial elections. This would save $3 million every four years. The City Council has decided to take a different route by moving elections to fall 2011, which doesn't save money but does allow newly elected mayors and council members more time to transition before budget talks begin. Currently, city elections are scheduled for spring 2011.

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