Important Moments in History

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

FDLE: Crime in Florida hits 39-year low

Crime in Florida hit a 39-year low in 2009 after years of record-breaking violence, state officials announced Wednesday.

That's 60,000 fewer crimes than the year before, according to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, which released the information in Kissimmee.

"This is extraordinarily good news for Florida," Gov. Charlie Crist said, before thanking law enforcement for their "great efforts."

The nearly 7 percent drop in 2009 is the lowest number since FDLE began tracking crime numbers in 1971, he said.

Violent crimes — murder, forcible sex crimes, robbery, aggravated assault — dropped 10 percent from the previous year, according to the report. Nonviolent crimes — burglary, larceny and motor-vehicle theft — declined by 6 percent.

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