Important Moments in History

Monday, July 19, 2010

Jacksonville unemployment rises again, now 11.2%

Metro Jacksonville’s unemployment rate rose to 11.2 percent in June from 10.8 percent in May, reversing three consecutive months of declines.

The local rate had dropped from 12.2 percent in February to 11.9 percent in March and 11.1 percent in April.

Unemployment also rose in the six other counties of Northeast Florida. Baker County’s unemployment rate rose to 11.2 percent in June from 10.7 percent in May; Clay, 10.3 percent (10.1 percent); Duval, 11.7 percent (11.4 percent); Nassau, 10.8 percent (10.5 percent); Putnam, 13.4 percent (12.5 percent); and St. Johns, 9.6 percent (9.2 percent).

A total of 77,356 people were out of work in metro Jacksonville – Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau and St. Johns counties — in June, compared with 71,788 in June last year, when the unemployment rate was 10.4 percent.

Florida’s jobless total in June was just over 1 million, out of a work force of 9.24 million. Total nonagricultural employment was 7.23 million, representing a loss of 1,900 (less than 0.1 percent). More than 20,000 Census jobs were lost in Florida during the month.

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