Important Moments in History

Friday, July 23, 2010

JEA Customers Repeatedly Make List of Hefty Water Use

JEA has released its numbers for the biggest water users in the Jacksonville area for last fiscal year. While the average family of four may use about 160 gallons of water a day, data show some people's usage going well beyond that, with as much as 1,180 gallons per day between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009.

First Coast News went through the long list of the 50 biggest residential water users and even paid a visit to some of those homes. The number one home used more than 1.7 million gallons last fiscal year.

Combined, the top 50 homes used close to a whopping 56 million gallons. That's enough water to fill the performance tank at Sea World 8 times and supply Splash Mountain at Disney World for about a month.

It's not just homes consuming gallons of water in the millions. Last year, the city of Jacksonville used nearly 540 million gallons.

Duval County Schools used nearly 300 million.

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