Important Moments in History

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Prescription Drugs Killing More Than Illicit Drugs in Florida

Seven people per day died because of prescription drugs in Florida in 2009, and the state's top law enforcement agency wants to get the number down.

The Florida Medical Examiners Commission Report on Drugs Identified in Deceased Persons was released today, citing the factors involved in the 171,300 deaths in Florida in 2009.

Nearly 9,000 of those decedents had one or more of the targeted drugs in their systems at the time of death.

Alcohol, benzodiazepines (including Xanax), oxycodone and cocaine were the predominant drugs found in people's systems, and oxycodone, all benzodiazepines (with Alprazolam, also known as Xanax, accounting for the majority of the deaths), methadone, alcohol, cocaine, morphine and hydrocodone caused the most deaths, according to the report.

Heroin continues to be the most lethal drug by percentage, though deaths caused by heroin decreased 20 percent over 2008.

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