Important Moments in History

Friday, August 13, 2010

Election Guide: Democratic Party Primary, Florida Attorney General

This guide is for the Democratic Party Primary, FL Attorney General.

The two candidates and their platforms:

1) Dave Aronberg.
  • Graduate from Harvard Law School with honors in 1996.
  • Currently a Florida Senator (since 2002).
  • Assistant Attorney General in the Economic Crimes Division from 1999-2002.
  • Wants to "de-politicize the Office of Attorney General and return its focus to public safety and consumer protection."
  • He as "received national recognition" for his work to "close loopholes in Florida's sex offender laws."
  • Supported a law that eliminates the statute of limitations for child victims of sexual violence.
  • Will "tackle the problem of bullying in our schools."
  • Opposes Senate Bill 6 saying it "was designed to punish teachers rather than improve public education."
  • Sponsored the Choicepoint Bill which "required companies that maintain our sensitive personal data to alert us when our data is lost or stolen."
  • Opposes the Ultrasound Bill which "would have required women to obtain and pay for an ultrasound in their first trimester - regardless of what their doctors recommended."
  • As a State Senator, his office "returned more than $4 million to people who have been ripped off."
  • Advocates focusing on mortgage and Medicaid fraud.
  • Promises to use "every legal resource to make for the damage they cause to Florida."
  • Sponsored the "only ethics bill" that was passed this year. It "toughens the penalties for corruption at the local level."
FL Senate Website.

2) Dan Gelber.
  • Elected to the Florida Senate in 2008.
  • Member of the Florida House from 2000-2008.
  • Assistant U.S. Attorney from 1986-1994.
  • Graduated from the University of Florida Law School.
  • Volunteer Big Brother since 1985.
  • "Prime author of the Silver Saver prescription drug plan that delivered an enlarged prescription drug discount to Florida seniors."
  • Has "fought to protect Florida's class size amendment...and overuse of the FCAT."
  • Create an Investment Fraud Unit to Protect "Seniors and Savers."
  • "Protect the right to loan modification."
  • Will "go after the social networking sites that cater to young people and compel them to remove registered sex offenders" as well as push for a law "making it a crime for a convicted sexual predator to use a social networking site."
  • Will "employ every statute at [his] disposal to make sure that Florida is a party to all possible claims arising from the BP spill."
  • Fight Medicaid fraud and shut down pill mills.
  • Plays the Wii.
FL Senate Website.

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