Important Moments in History

Friday, August 13, 2010

Election Guide: Republican Primary, Attorney General

This guide is for the Republican Party Primary, Attorney General.

The three candidates and their platforms:

1) Holly Benson.
  • "Pro-life, rated A+ by the NRA, and like my mentor, Governor Jeb Bush...I am a free market capitalist."
  • "Obamacare is unconstitutional and will have devastating consequences...[It] violates both the Commerce Clause and the 10th Amendment of the Constitution."
  • Support the Arizona immigration law.
  • In favor of "severe consequences for those who betray the public trust."
  • Plans to create a Regulatory Strike Force to "identify and eliminate the red tape that is stiffling entrepreneurs."
  • Served as Secretary in two state agencies.
  • Member of the U.S. Congress for six years (Pensacola).
  • Graduate of the University of Florida College of Law.
  • "Our first obligation is to put the bad guys behind bars. And if that means funding new prisons, well let's fund them."
  • Supports Marco Rubio for FL Governor.
"Holly Benson on the Record" - Article.

2) Pam Bondi.
  • NRA A Rating.
  • Supports the Arizona Immigration Law.
  • Prosecutor for over 18 years.
  • Assistant State Attorney.
  • Native of Tampa.
  • Received the Tampa Bay Review's 2001 "Lawyers of Distinction" award.

3) Jeff Kottkamp.
  • Graduated from the University of Florida College of Law.
  • Member of the FL House of Representatives from 2000 to 2006.
  • Currently the Lieutenant Governor of Florida.
  • Endorsed by Sheriff Rutherford, and St. Johns Sheriff David Shoar as well as Stephen Wise.
  • "Has Led Florida's efforts to shut down pill mills."
  • A+ rating by the NRA and supporter of the 2d Amendment.
  • ObamaCare unconstitutional according to the 10th Amendment.
  • Supports the Arizona immigration law.
  • "Supports protecting the life of the unborn."
  • Plans to create a "corruption unit to prosecute government officials who violate the trust of Floridians."
  • Plans to challenge the EPA's "imposition of water quality standards that would cause us more than double our property taxes."
"Candidate Profile" article.
Video of Kottkamp.

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