Important Moments in History

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Election Guide: Representative in U.S. Congress, District Four (Florida)

This guide is for Representative in U.S. Congress, District Four (Florida)

The two candidates and their platforms:

1) Ander Crenshaw (Republican)
  • Click here to see articles about him as well as his votes in Congress during the past few years.
  • Click here to see his voting record.
  • Currently the Congressman for Florida's Fourth district (since 2000).
  • Serves on the Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and the Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations.
  • Supports "policies that keep taxes low, expand access to credit, and reduce duplicative regulation."
  • Supports "cutting all non-security spending to 2008 levels" and to reject "taxes on any American on January 11, 2011."
  • Supports "a common sense, fiscally responsible health reform proposal."
  • Supports a "four-point plan to lower energy costs by increasing environmentally sound American exploration of oil and gas, increasing the supply of domestic energy, encouraging research in advanced alternative and renewable energy technologies, and improving conservation and energy efficiency."
  • "Safe communities begin with secure borders."
  • Supports the Second Amendment.
  • Established a Veterans Cemetery in Jacksonville.
  • "Strongly" supports the FairTax proposal.
  • Interestingly, he did vote down the National Defense Authorization Act (which provides funding for the military in FY2010-11), although he has voted for supplemental spending in the Iraq War.
  • Voted "yes" on the Same-Sex Marriage Resolution.
  • Voted "yes" on the Economic Stimulus Plan in 2008.
  • He has flip-flopped a few times regarding unemployment extensions.

2) Troy Stanley (NPA).
  • "No Bailouts or Government Takeovers."
  • "Make Congress Cite Constitutional Authority for Proposed Laws."
  • "Fair Taxation."
  • "Strong National Defense."
  • "Balance the Budget and Read Bills Before Voting."
  • Supports the Second Amendment.
  • He is "pro-life."
  • He supports the recent Republican Party's Pledge to America.
  • 20-year Navy Veteran.

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