Important Moments in History

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vetoes overridden by Fla. lawmakers at a glance

Here's a quick look at the vetoes of bills and a budget item overridden Tuesday by the Florida Legislature, Gov. Charlie Crist's reasons for vetoing them and the votes in each chamber:

HEALTH CARE - A $9.7 million appropriation for the University of Florida's Shands Teaching Hospital that will be used to pay for the treatment of underfunded Medicaid and charity patients and draw down federal matching money. Crist objected to singling out one hospital for special treatment. House 120-0, Senate 39-0.

RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY SALES - HB 545 will repeal a requirement for sellers to disclose the windstorm mitigation rating of homes to buyers in coastal areas, which had been scheduled to go into effect Jan. 1, 2011. Crist said the repeal is anti-consumer. House 120-0, Senate 35-0.

LANDFILLS - HB 569 will let local governments put yard trash in garbage dumps, thus eliminating the need for separate pickups. Crist contended this is a step backward for recycling. House 114-5, Senate 39-0.

ADMINISTRATIVE RULES - HB 1565 will require the Legislature's approval of administrative rules passed by executive branch agencies if they are expected to have an economic effect of at least $1 million over five years. Crist argued this infringes on executive branch authority and would create more red tape by delaying rules. House 99-21, Senate 32-7.

AGRICULTURE - HB 981 will let farmers keep an agricultural tax break on land that's up for sale and raise a tax on citrus from 1 cent to 3 cents per box to provide $3.5 million a year for research. Crist said the tax break would benefit land speculators at the expense of taxpayers. House 120-0, Senate 35-2.

PETROLEUM SITE CLEANUP - HB 1385 clarifies that local governments cannot deny building permits based solely on the presence of petroleum contamination for tank upgrades at an existing retail facility and shifts funding to lower-priority tank clean-up in some cases. Crist contended this would lower environmental standards. House 118-1, Senate 39-0.

STATE PROPERTY - HB 1516 will require the Department of Environmental Protection to maintain an inventory of state buildings and other real estate. Crist said this is outside the agency's mission. House 115-1, Senate 38-1.

ROAD PROJECTS - SB 1842 will expand public notice when road projects are planned. Crist said this will result in unnecessary delays of projects that improve safety. House 117-0, Senate 39-0.

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