Important Moments in History

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hate crimes drop 15% from 2008

Hate crimes reported last year by police agencies nationwide were down by 15 percent compared with 2008 and hit their lowest point in 15 years, the FBI said Monday.

In a report released by the bureau's Uniform Crime Reporting Program, the FBI said 6,604 criminal incidents involving 7,789 offenses were reported in 2009 as a result of bias toward a particular race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or physical or mental disability.

The FBI report noted that of 6,598 single-bias incidents, 48.5 percent were motivated by a racial bias, 19.7 percent by religious bias, 18.5 percent by sexual-orientation bias, 11.8 percent by ethnicity/national origin bias, and bias against a disability accounted for 1.5 percent of single-bias incidents.

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