Important Moments in History

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Election Guide: Mayor (Jacksonville 2011)

This guide is for Jacksonville Mayor

The six candidates and their platforms:

1) Alvin Brown (Democrat).

  • "Provide smart incentives that make Jacksonville competitive for both large and small business projects."
  • Increase JAXPORT development and improvements.
  • "No tax hikes or new city fees."
  • "Modest adjustments to the current pension plans for city government employees."
  • "Save $25 million by moving all city employees and retirees to a direct deposit" system.
  • "Create a private sector funded initiative to use retired schoolteachers to tutor students of D and F schools."
  • Create a summer program for high school students on local college campuses.
  • Assist students by finding them a job "through our Public Private Partnership Plan."
  • Continue "the success of Jacksonville Journey."
  • Was a senior advisor for Urban Policy and the vice-chairman of the White House Community Empowerment Board under President Clinton.
  • "Explore the possibility of establishing a downtown development authority."
  • Have a "new convention center" downtown.
  • "Earned B.S. and M.B.A. degrees from Jacksonville University."
  • "Honorary Doctorate from Edward Waters College."
  • Endorsed by the Central Labor Council.


2) Mike Hogan (Republican).

  • B.A. Degree in Zoology.
  • A science teacher for two years.
  • Jacksonville City Council member from 1991-1999.
  • Florida State Representative from 2000-2003.
  • Duval County Tax Collector from 2003-present.
  • Endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, North Florida Central Labor Council, Northeast Florida Association of Realtors, Jacksonville Association of Firefighters, Senator Steve Wise, and the Concerned Taxpayers of Duval County.


3) Steve Irvine (NPA).

  • "Through education and prevention things can change."
  • Supports Project Return a program that sends offenders to Adult Education classes.
  • "Accept million of dollars in prevention funding from alcohol and tobacco industries that the city now rejects."
  • "Use the media to focus the city's attention to pressing problems."
  • "Cutting the Sheriffs budget."

4) Warren Lee (Democrat).

  • Was a correctional officer.
  • Make "JEA more efficient and accountable."
  • Won an "honorable mention from the Concerned Taxpayers of Duval County.
  • Served four years in the Marines.
  • Will "cut the mayor's 50 percent."
  • Dredge the river to increase trade.
  • "Plans to amend the current charter, allowing the mayor's administration a say in school decisions."


5) Audrey Moran (Republican).

  • "Will appoint a Chief Education Officer."
  • "In her first 90 days in office, Audrey will host a small business summit for business owners."
  • Served as Chief of Staff during Mayor Delaney's second term.
  • Graduate of Duke University's School of Law.
  • Endorsed by Jax Beach Mayor.
  • "We will not raise the property taxes of every citizen simply to pay for a broken pension program."


6) Rick Mullaney (Republican).

  • Has a "34-Point Plan to grow jobs and shrink government."
  • "Propose creating an urban medical district, with a medical school" downtown.
  • Increase investment in JAXPORT.
  • Use the Cecil Commerce Center.
  • Will help to "bring a nuclear aircraft the First Coast."
  • Pension reform to include eliminating the 8.4% return in DROP, a minimum retirement age of 50 with 25 years of service, and increase the current contribution of seven percent to eight.
  • "Pay cuts for city employees...cut the mayor's salary and his staff's salary by twice as much."
  • "Will not allow automatic price increases or contract extensions" for city contracts.
  • "Modernize or privatize" the Information Technology Department and the Fleet Management Division.
  • "Stop wasting taxpayer money on the skyway."
  • A graduate of Forrest High School.
  • Law School at the University of Florida.
  • Was Mayor Delaney's first chief of staff.
  • Led the "creation of the city's first comprehensive code of ethics."


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