Important Moments in History

Friday, April 8, 2011

With Government on Brink of Shutdown, 'Narrow' Differences Remain

Rep. Boehner said again Wednesday night that there's no agreement on a top-line number for spending reductions, but reports now indicate the two sides are aiming for $40 billion in cuts -- $7 billion more than the Democratic compromise -- and two-thirds of the way to the $61 billion conservative House Republicans have demanded.

The House is set to debate a one-week spending bill introduced by Republicans that would cut $12 billion from current levels and fund Defense Department operations for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Some GOP lawmakers have referred to the proposal as a "troop funding" bill, but the measure also contains controversial policy provisions, such as a ban on federal and local government funding for abortions in the District of Columbia.

If there's a shutdown, senators and representatives would still collect paychecks, while federal employees who are furloughed would not.

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