Important Moments in History

Monday, May 16, 2011

Council auditors say Jacksonville revenues down, spending too high

Jacksonville could have to spend almost $10 million from reserve accounts this year to make up for falling revenues and city departments running over budget, a report from the City Council's auditors warns.

And there would still be money problems at some agencies if that happened, according to a financial summary that became public Friday. The report tracked revenue and spending through March 31, the end of the city's second budget quarter.

The city's general fund, which pays for most city business, raised less revenue than expected, mostly because tax payments, licensing fees and state and money from other government agencies have come in slower than planned.

If that doesn't change, revenues could be off by $8.4 million on Sept. 30, the end of the budget year.

On top of that, cost overruns by the Sheriff's Office, the elections office and some citywide programs are eating up savings that other city departments have made and could push overall spending about $2.8 million over budget.

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