Important Moments in History

Monday, May 16, 2011

Florida Legislature approves $1 million award to family of man killed by JTA bus

The Florida Legislature has approved awarding $1 million to the family of a man who was hit by a Jacksonville Transportation Authority bus.

Cesar Solomon, 52, was killed three years ago when a JTA bus knocked him 20 feet to the ground as he was working from a bucket truck to repair a traffic light at Commonwealth and Melson avenues. He worked for the city as a signal traffic repairer.

The state has a $200,000 statutory cap on damages, but JTA agreed to pay $1 million, provided the state legislature waived the cap. The Senate voted 32-3 to waive the cap Thursday. The House had previously voted 108-8 in favor.

All Northeast Florida legislators voted to waive the cap except for Rep. Daniel Davis, R-Jacksonville, who was one of the eight to vote no in the House.

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