Important Moments in History

Monday, December 19, 2011

Jacksonville City Council action

Issue: JEA pay raises

What it means: The council considered five bills that would authorize new labor contracts for unionized JEA employees. About 1,730 employees would get up to 3 percent base pay raises.

Bill Nos. 2011-677 through 2011-681

Action: Vote delayed until Feb. 14

Issue: Parking garage subsidy

What it means: The council considered changes to a contract with Metropolitan Parking Solutions, which operates three downtown parking garages that receive city loans because they annually lose money. The changes would give the city two more years to buy out the MPS contract and lower the return on investment the city has guaranteed MPS.

Bill No. 2011-700

Action: Approved

Issue: Meat packer incentives

What it means: The council was asked to endorse a package of $1.2 million in state and city aid for Bruss Co., a meat packing subsidiary of Tyson Foods. The company would spend about $10 million updating a factory at 5441 W. Fifth St. that would employ 200 people.

Bill No. 2011-728

Action: Approved

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